SOS Brigade Todai Branch

Welcome to SOS Brigade Todai Branche website!


SOS Brigade Todai Branch is the subordinate institution of the SOS Brigade, whose headquarters are located in the University of Tokyo, Todai.

"I've got no interest in ordinary people. If there are any Aliens from Outer Space, Visitors from future or those who are gifted with supernatural powers, come foward to me".
This famous line stated by Suzumiya Haruhi represents the main objective of the SOS Birigade, which is also found in the SOS Brigade's long title, "Spreading Excitement all Over the World with Haruhi Suzumiya Brigade".
As you may know, the SOS Bigade exists to let us search for aliens, time travelers, and espers and have fun with them.

In order to accomplish this ambition, we, the members of the SOS Brigate Todai Branch are always gathering various information about mysterious from all over the world and are conducting heating discussions about all of those curious events.


We are searching many places in and around Tokyo for supernatural phenomenons.

Sometimes we are skywatchers trying to find UFOs, and somteimes we may be explorers tackling to catch Tsuchinokos and Kappas, two famous Japanese UMAs. Once we even have made a huge magic circle over the ground in our campus at the Tanabata night to make our prayers reach Orihemeboshi and Hikoboshi.

Despite these endevours, we have never encountered any kind of unexplainable incidents. So, do aliens, monsters, magic and so on, exist only in the imaginary universe? Our mission is, however, to continue these ventures until the secret of the world is completely revealed.

If you have any information about mysterious stuff such as aliens, time travelers, sliders or espers, please notify us immediately.

SOS dann Todai shibu pages(Japanese) are here!

Help Wanted!

SOS Brigade Todai Brach is now recruiting new members. Please mail us your idea about wonders of the world in Japanese or English.


Contact Information

twitter: @SOSdann_Todai
Mail us at "sos.utbranch(at)"

If you want to contact us or have questions about us, please send a mail to the adress above.
Please do not mail directly to the University of Tokyo.

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